Smart city: Inform, Supervise, Decide efficiently

Neat and rich information within a responsive and powerful interface that can be fully customized with no code.

No credit card needed

Asset Management
Neat and rich information within a responsive and powerful interface for Information, Asset & Facility Management, Maintenance etc.
Wifi hotspots in New-York from the public domain dataset published by NYC (here)
Display only some assets with the above finder, click on any asset to display information.
Customize this map with no code: Just click on "cwixy" then "View as admin" or watch this.
Neat and productive information for citizens.
Productive Information
Singapore Post mail collection boxes
Display only some assets with the above finder.
Customize this map with no code: Just click on "cwixy" then "View as admin" or watch this.
Live Supervision
Responsive and powerful interface for Information, Fleet Management, Emergency Response etc.
Simulation: Vehicle management in Mumbai, India
Display only some assets with the above finder.
Customize this map with no code: Just click on "cwixy" then "View as admin" or watch this.